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LETTER: Health-care workers shouldn't wear scrubs in public

To help prevent the spread of infection, the rule was always that frontline workers should change into and out of their uniforms at work, veteran nurse says
File photo/Village Media

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Last week while grocery shopping, I saw two health-care workers shopping in their scrubs, no masks, no gloves.

I am a nurse who has been in the health-care profession for a long time. Years ago, it was a rule that you never wore your uniform to work or home from work. You changed when you got to work. This is a practice we need to return to help avoid spreading infection from one setting to another.

I was  appalled to see people in public in scrubs, especially during a time when we are battling this pandemic. We need to go back to the basic principles of infection control in order to stop and avoid any viral crises in the future.

We've seen how well hand washing has worked. I would advise all health-care facilities to institute this as a policy from here on.

Debbie Mancini, RPN, Newmarket


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