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Here's what municipal services are considered essential during COVID-19

Town staff will still be available on-call to deal with emergencies like watermain breaks, road repairs, parking and bylaw enforcement and more during business hours and after-hours

With the Province of Ontario announcing the closure of all businesses in Ontario that are not essential, the Town has realigned its services to ensure our staff and residents remain safe and our critical services and infrastructure are maintained.
In an effort to maintain social distancing, staff members, where possible will continue to provide services online and by telephone, while working from home. Staff that work out of facilities and in the public will work in smaller teams and on shifts, while practising safe social distancing.
Please see the list below for services that are still being offered by the Town of Newmarket at this time:
Customer Service Centre
All general inquiries will be handled by Newmarket’s Customer Service Centre. They are available by telephone (905-895-5193) or email ([email protected]) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. For municipal emergency service outside these hours, please call 905-895-5193 and press 3 to be directed to our after-hours service number.
Emergency Services

Utility Services (Water and Hydro)
Customer Services inquiries will continue to be handled by Newmarket Hydro. Please call 905-895-2309 for more information.
Library Services

  • Access to the online library 24/7
    • For assistance (Monday to Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) residents can:

For more information, visit
Local Business Support
Newmarket’s Economic Development Office will continue to support the business community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses can sign-up for weekly COVID-19 related business updates by visiting
Parking and Bylaw Services

  • Parking Enforcement focused on health and safety-related issues
  • Bylaws and Emergency Property Standard Enforcement*
    • Investigating emergency orders and unsafe living conditions
    • Patrolling parks and playgrounds to educate residents on social distancing

Planning and Building Services

  • Electronic Planning Applications
  • Limited processing of Development and Committee of Adjustment Applications*
  • Pre-Consultation Meetings via Video Conferencing
  • Building Permits and Inspection*

Full details of adapted Planning and Building Services can be found online.
Public Works Services

  • Critical parks, open spaces and trails maintenance
  • Critical road maintenance
  • Waste and Recycling Pick-up*
  • Critical water and wastewater Services

Recreation and Culture

  • Inquiries related to Recreation and Culture programming updates, cancellations and credits  
  • Inquiries related to local community group(s) support

Please email [email protected] for more information. 

*Some restrictions apply. Please visit for more information.
Town staff will still be available on-call to deal with municipal emergencies like watermain breaks, road repairs, parking and bylaw enforcement and more during business hours and after-hours.
Some staff members have also been redeployed to conduct other Town services. For example, our Recreation and Culture staff members at the Newmarket Seniors’ Meeting Place (SMP) have been calling SMP members to check-in on them and connect them with other members while social distancing.
Updates to the status of services available to the community, including cancellations and disruptions will be posted on our website at when available. Residents can also follow the Town of Newmarket on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) for updates.
For more information on COVID-19, visit or



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