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ONTARIO: Trapper won't be charged after dog dies in body trap

No charges have been laid and the trapper has voluntarily removed all of the ground trap sets adjacent to the trail
20190310 opp cruiser OPP
Courtesy OPP.

SUDBURY - On January 3, at 4:30 p.m., West Parry Sound OPP officers responded to a complaint of a dog being caught in a trap adjacent to the Rose Point Trail in Seguin Twp.  

The complainant's dog was dead when found

OPP say the dog was caught in a Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act compliant body-gripping trap. The trap was located along a marked trap line, on private property.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry were advised and consulted.

No charges have been laid and the trapper has voluntarily removed all of the ground trap sets adjacent to the trail.

Police advise dog owners that it’s an offense under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997  for a dog owner in Ontario to allow their dog to run at large in an area usually occupied by game wildlife, such as forested lands and woodlots.

You should consider controlling your dog at all times by keeping them on a leash when on Crown land, conservation reserves, private land and in some provincial parks.

Further information on how to protect your dog from wildlife traps can be found here.



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