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Pamela McCarthy lists the top 4 qualities required to be an effective trustee as: integrity, strength, partnership, leadership 
Pamela McCarthy is a candidate for trustee for the York Region District School Board.

Municipal Election 2022 Candidate Questionnaire: Pamela McCarthy, trustee, York Region District School Board 

NewmarketToday sent this questionnaire to all candidates (including those acclaimed), requesting a completed response prior to the Oct. 24 election, which would be published when received. Maximum word limits have been strictly enforced, to be fair to all candidates. The responses have not been edited in any way, including for grammar, spelling and clarity.

1. What are the top four qualities required to be an effective municipal representative? (4-word limit) 

  1. Integrity
  2. Strength
  3. Partnership
  4. Leadership

2. Explain why you are the best qualified candidate. (100-word limit): 

My experience in nursing and teaching has made me a strong advocate, team player and leader.  

My experience on parent council gives me insight to the students and educators needs.  If de-escalation is not possible, I am familiar with the chain of command and steps needed to escalate an issue and follow through until resolution. 

Sitting on the board of directors in a condominium association gives me experience to the formal procedure that take place in a similar setting,

Community volunteer with Big Brothers and sisters of Canada-helping children, Beauty Nights- helping women in shelters and Coaching and training hockey.

3. What are the two most important issues for your ward/constituents? (200-word limit):

I have spoken to parents, educators, and students in every school in Newmarket. 

The most common issues have been bullying and overwhelmed educators in the classroom. 

We must get down to the root causes of these issues if we ever want to change them.

School and classroom safety is a major priority.  Teachers need more support in the classroom. They are the backbone of our system and need to be well supported to function at their best. 

If the educator is functioning at their best, then the student will be functioning at their best. It is essential that all our students, teachers and support staff can go to school every day feeling safe and welcomed.  A secure school environment also means making sure that we are constantly promoting inclusivity in all aspects of school life.  Anti-racism awareness programs should always be in place, not just focused on for a single month each year.  It is also essential that we work harder to make help and counselling more readily available for those that need it.

4. What will you do to ensure you are accountable to your constituents? (50-word limit): 

My commitment as trustee is to be very visible in all schools. I will be in touch with educators and parents often. At least 2 times a quarter, when scheduled, I will be at council meetings so I can hear what challenges the schools are facing and offer my support.

5. What is the most important issue for council/school board to address in the next term? (100-word limit): 

York Region District School Board (YRDSB) trustees will establish a multi-year strategic plan (MYSP).

This plan has the priorities that the board will focus on for the next four years. These priorities will be chosen based on the feedback the trustees receive from their communities.

Currently the main issue is building relationships. We must reconnect with each other. We will build a strong community and school spirit. One where the educators feel appreciated, and students are thriving.

6. Describe your dream project that would result in a better quality of life in Newmarket. (100-word limit): 

My dream project is to have a flower and vegetable garden at every school. We will bond while working on common goals. This project will produce leaders and learners as well as a beautiful harvest. Communities will continue to manage the garden during the summer months. 

We learn and grow together as a community. Our young leaders will learn to plan, adapt and be resourceful. We learn life lessons while growing a garden. Most importantly, we will learn that we have a lot in common. We will accomplish more as a team then we ever can on our own.

Answer Yes or No (1-word limit):  

Are the school board’s equity and inclusivity policies working? No

Are the EQAO and large-scale testing a fair measurement of student achievement? No

Could the school board improve accountability and transparency to parents and students? Yes 

Should trustees block followers on their board social media accounts? No 

Should there be fixed terms for trustees? Yes

Is enough being done in schools right now for pandemic safety? Yes



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