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CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE: Brian Andrews, Ward 2 councillor

Ward 2 councillor candidate Brian Andrews lists the top 4 qualities required to be an effective representative: integrity; accountability; accessibility; problem solver
Brian Andrews, Ward 2 councillor candidate.

Municipal Election 2022 Candidate Questionnaire: Brian Andrews, Ward 2 councillor

NewmarketToday sent this questionnaire to all candidates (including those acclaimed), requesting a completed response prior to the Oct. 24 election, which would be published in order when received. Maximum word limits have been strictly enforced, to be fair to all candidates. The responses have not been edited in any way, including for grammar, spelling and clarity.

1. What are the top four qualities required to be an effective municipal representative? (4-word limit) 

  1. Integrity 

  2. Accountability 

  3. Accessibility 

  4. Problem Solver

2. Explain why you are the best qualified candidate. (100-word limit): 

Business owner for 30 years. I care about people's needs and wants. I want to help. I understand the importance of being available to discuss the concerns of the constituents. 

My personal life experiences make me passionate about:

Affordable housing: Watching my single mother's struggle to get us into affordable housing. Paying rent and no extra money for food, heat, hydro.

Mental Health: watching family members in crisis and the lack of availability and affordability 

Heritage: my Indigenous roots help me understand the need and importance of diversity. Including ethnic, social and economic status. Equality for all!

3. What are the two most important issues for your ward/constituents? (200-word limit):

The development of infill sites. There are 6 proposed sites in Ward 2.  Constituents recognize the need for affordable housing. The proposed infill sites are not affordable for the average person, couple or family. It is the general understanding that water/sewer allocation in Newmarket is at capacity. Most constituents are in agreement that the Yonge and Davis corridor makes sense to continue building affordable high density apartments and condominiums to help alleviate imminent housing crisis.

Another concern for the constituents in Ward 2 is speed. This has been an ongoing problem for years. The use of the calming bollards are intrusive and expensive to install, remove and store.

I would like to present to the constituents the use of rumble strips as an alternative for speed reduction  and awareness. They could be placed in areas that wouldn't be bothersome to residents- rumble strips are cost effective and proven to work.

4. What will you do to ensure you are accountable to your constituents? (50-word limit): 

Visible representation, attendance at Town events, available for in person meetings,  contact information always available and  bringing back a sense of community to our ward. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. 

5. What is the most important issue for council/school board to address in the next term? (100-word limit): 

No response provided.

6. Describe your dream project that would result in a better quality of life in Newmarket. (100-word limit): 

My dream is to see the installation of a hydra electric drop turbine system at Fairy Lake. Installation  of multiple units would produce 24-7 hydro electric power for years to come. An esthetically pleasing design would be a must. Producing electricity that could possibly be sold back to Tay Power and create an income for the Town with no impact on the environment. 

Answer Yes or No (1-word limit):  

Should salaries be reduced for the mayor and councillors? No

Are taxes too high for the services provided to residents? Yes

Do you support tax increases to pay for large budget items or purchases, such as Mulock Estates? No

Should opening a second branch of Newmarket Public Library be a top priority for the next term? No

Should the town continue to give incentives and loans to Main Street businesses as part of its revitalization strategy? No 

Should the town provide more incentives to developers to encourage more affordable rental units? No

Should election candidates accept campaign donations from developers? No

Should councillors be required to provide more fully itemized and detailed expense reports, accessible online at no cost to the public? Yes

Should the mayor and councillors block followers on their town social media accounts? No

Should there be fixed terms for councillors? Yes

Should Newmarket permit a legal cannabis store(s) in town? Yes



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